
SproutCore Guides

These guides are designed to help you write and perfect your code.

No DataStore

SproutCore includes a powerful model layer, called the datastore. SproutCore has special code in it's controller and view layers to make the datastore the most efficient source of data.

1 - MVC -- The model layer.

This is a Draft Copy, and although the information in here is correct, it may be incomplete in places.

Nevertheless, you don't have to use the datastore in your application. Like most high-quality frameworks, the datastore is an optional framework in SproutCore (though it is "on" by default).

2 - How To Use SproutCore Without a Model Layer

This is how you do what backbone.js does in SproutCore. It does not use SproutCore's datastore.

See http://www.jamesyu.org/2011/01/27/cloudedit-a-backbone-js-tutorial-by-example/ for an example.

var MyApp = SC.Application.create({ newTask: function() { // optional: clear the values in the fields MyApp.newTaskPane.append(); }, createTask: function() { // 1. Fetch the values from the fields in MyApp.newTaskPane. var name = MyApp.newTaskPane.get('nameField'), description = MyApp.newTaskPane.get('descriptionField'); // 2. Send the values to the remote "create" method // (disable interaction) SC.Request.postUrl('/tasks') .header({ 'Accept': 'application/json' }).json() .notify(this, '_didCreateTask').send(); }, // 3. When the server responds, create the task and add update // MyApp.tasksController. _didCreateTask: function(response, store, storeKey) { if (SC.ok(response)) { var hash = response.get('body'); MyApp.Task.create(hash); } // 4. Show the MyApp.editTaskPane MyApp.editTaskPane.append(); }, updateTask: function() { // 1. Get the values from MyApp.selectedTaskController var task = MyApp.selectedTaskController.get('content'); // 2. Contact the server and send the updated properties // for the task (disable interaction) // 3. When the server responds, refresh the task with then // new properties. MyApp.editTaskPane.append(); }, deleteTask: function() { // 1. Search MyApp.tasksController for the task with id = `id`. var task = MyApp.selectedTaskController.get('content'); // 2. Contact the server and ask it delete the task with // id == `id` (disable interaction) // 3. When the server responds, delete the task and remove // it from the list. MyApp.listTasksPane.append(); }, showTaskList: function() { // 1. Use SC.Response ajax to contact your server. // You can hardcode the url in here: SC.Request.getUrl('/tasks').json() .notify(this, '_listDidRespond').send(); MyApp.listTasksPane.append(); } _listDidRespond: function(res) { // 2. When you get the response, instatiate MyApp.Task objects // and add them to a new array var newArray = []; var jsonHashesArray = res.get('body'); jsonHashesArray.forEach(function(hash) { var task = MyApp.Task.create(hash); newArray.push(task); }); // 3. Set the new array as the "content" MyApp.tasksController.set('content', newArray); } }); // // Define our model class. // MyApp.Task = SC.Object.extend({ toJSON: function() { var hash = {}, key, val; for (key in this) { if (!this.hasOwnKey(key)) continue; val = this[key]; if (val.isProperty) val = this.get('val'); hash[key] = this.get(key); } } }); // gives us the "create" function. // // Make our Task list available to views. // MyApp.tasksController = SC.ArrayController.create({ content: [], allowsMultipleSelection: NO, }); // // Keeps track of the selected task so we can bind to it in //our views. // MyApp.selectedTaskController = SC.ObjectController.create({ contentBinding: SC.Binding .single('MyApp.tasksController.selection') )}; // // Create a pane to display our task list. // MyApp.listTasksPane = SC.MainPane.create({ contentView: SC.View.create({ childViews: 'list new'.w(), list: SC.ListView.create({ layout: { centerX:0, top:50, width:300, bottom:100 }, contentBinding: 'MyApp.tasksController.arrangedObjects', selectionBinding: 'MyApp.tasksController.selection' actsOnSelect: YES, action: 'editTask', target: MyApp }), new: SC.ButtonView.create({ layout: { centerX:60, height:54, width:90, bottom:50 }, title: "New Task", action: 'newTask', target: MyApp }) }) }); // // Create a new task pane. // MyApp.newTaskPane = SC.MainPane.create({ nameField: SC.outlet('contentView.form.name'), descriptionField: SC.outlet('contentView.form.description'), contentView: SC.View.create({ childViews: 'form new'.w(), form: SC.View.create({ layout: { centerX:0, top:50, width:300, bottom:100 }, childViews: 'name description'.w(), name: SC.TextFieldView.create({ layout: { top:10, left:10, right:10, height:80 }, hint: "Enter a task name" }), description: SC.TextFieldView.create({ layout: { top: 100, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10 }, allowsMultipleLines: YES }) }), new: SC.ButtonView.create({ layout: { centerX:60, height:54, width:90, bottom:50 }, title: "Create", action: 'createTask', target: MyApp }) }) }); // // Create an edit task pane. // MyApp.editTaskPane = SC.MainPane.create({ contentView: SC.View.create({ childViews: 'form update delete'.w(), form: SC.View.create({ layout: { centerX:0, top:50, width:300, bottom:100 }, childViews: 'name description'.w(), name: SC.TextFieldView.create({ layout: { top:10, left:10, right:10, height:80 }, valueBinding: 'MyApp.selectedTaskController.name' }), description: SC.TextFieldView.create({ layout: { top: 100, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10 }, allowsMultipleLines: YES, valueBinding: 'MyApp.selectedTaskController.description' }) }), update: SC.ButtonView.create({ layout: { right:10, height:54, width:90, bottom:50 }, title: "Update", action: 'updateTask', target: MyApp }), delete: SC.ButtonView.create({ layout: { right:120, height:54, width:90, bottom:50 }, title: "Delete", action: 'deleteTask', target: MyApp }) }) }); main() { MyApp.showTaskList(); // Puts the list on the screen. };

3 - Changelog