
SproutCore Guides

These guides are designed to help you write and perfect your code.

Contributing Guides

The SproutCore documentation team welcomes any and all help from the community. If you are interested in contributing to the effort, the information below will let you know how to do so and who to contact in order to get help and guidance.

1 - Introduction

Contributing to the SproutCore Guides follows a Git and GitHub based workflow. If you know what that means, then you might be best served by skipping ahead to the Creating or Modifying a Guide section, which deals with how the guides are organized and how you can preview your work as you're making changes.

If "Git and Github based workflow" doesn't mean much to you, or if you're not a pro Git user yet, no problem. This guide will walk you through exactly what you need to know. In the process, you'll learn some ideas and skills that will serve you well beyond just contributing to the SproutCore Guides.

2 - Getting the Source Code

To get a copy of the SproutCore Guides source that we can start making changes to, we need to do three things:

  1. Fork of the official SproutCore Guides Project on GitHub
  2. Clone the forked version onto our local machine
  3. Configure our local version to fetch updates from the main Guides repository

2.1 - Fork the Guides on GitHub

A fork is essentially just a copy of a project, but one that is tied to your GitHub account. This allows you to work and make changes without having to be concerned with getting these intermediary changes into the main repository. Once you're done with your changes, you can submit a pull request to get your finalized changes into the main repo.

Forking a project on GitHub is simple: just navigate to https://github.com/sproutcore/guides and click the "Fork" button in the top right corner. To do this you will need a GitHub account, but those are free for open source development.

If you'd like to learn more about this, GitHub has a wonderful [guide to forking](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo).

2.2 - Clone the Fork Locally

Now that we've forked the main Guides project, we need to get a copy of our fork onto our local machine so we can make changes to it. To do this, we use the git clone command:

$ git clone git@github.com:<yourname>/guides.git

2.3 - Add the Upstream Remote

All that remains is to configure the repository on our local machine so that we can fetch changes from the main SproutCore Guides repository. To do this, we use the git remote command from within the repository:

$ cd guides $ git remote add upstream git://github.com/sproutcore/guides.git

3 - Installing DocPad

The SproutCore Guides are created in a modified version of the Markdown markup language. These Markdown documents get compiled into the HTML + CSS finished product at http://guides.sproutcore.com/.

While we don't strictly need DocPad to edit these Markdown documents, having it installed on our system will make it incredibly easy to preview the compiled HTML + CSS versions of the documents we are working on.

We will need [Node](http://www.nodejs.org/) and the node package manager (provided with Node) installed on our machine for this next part.

Once you have Node installed, simply run the following to install DocPad.

$ npm install -g docpad

You may need to use `sudo` for the command above if you get complaints about not having permission to particular directories.

4 - Before Making Changes

Whether we are createing a new guide from scratch or merely making changes to a guide that already exists, before we start working we want to do two things: 1) make sure we have the most recent version of the source code and, 2) create a new Git topic branch for our changes.

4.1 - Update the Local Source

To update our local copy of the SproutCore Guides source code, we use the git pull command:

$ git pull upstream

This will fetch any changes that have been committed to the main SproutCore Guides repository since we last ran this command, then merge those changes into our local copy of the repository. It will do this all in one fell swoop, without any input on our part.

If you want to be able to see and approve the changes before they are merged into your local copy of the source, you can split this process into two steps by using the git fetch command followed by the git merge command:

$ git fetch upstream $ git merge upstream/master

4.2 - Create a Topic Branch

While we are working on the Guides, we use Git topic branches to organize our work into logical sets of changes. To illustrate this idea of "logical sets of changes", imagine two examples.

In the first example, we have created a new guide and added references to this new guide in several of the other guides. In this case, we have made changes to several different files, but all of those changes are related to each other; we have made only a single logical set of changes.

In the second example, we have created a new guide and, separately, we have made some small changes to another of the guides. In this case, we have made changes to several different files, but the changes are not related to each other; we have made two separate logical sets of changes.

To create a new topic branch and start working in it, we use the git checkout command with the -b switch:

$ git checkout -b <branch_name>

Everyone will see this branch name when you submit your changes to the main SproutCore Guides repository, so choose something that describes the changes you are making.

5 - Creating or Modifying a Guide

The guides themselves reside in the src/documents directory; CSS, JavaScript and image assets can be found in the src/files directory.

Markdown is meant to be a human friendly markup language (unlike HTML) and should be easy to pick up. Looking at the existing guides can be useful; here's the Markdown source for the Fixtures guide, and here's the compiled HTML & CSS output.

5.1 - Create a New Guide

To start a new guide, simply create a file named <your_guide_name>.html.md.sd in the src/documents directory. Use the following template as a starting point for your guide:

The .html.md.sd extension means process this file first as a .sd (our sproutdown plugin), then as .md (markdown) and finally output it as .html.

--- layout: default sc_category: Choose an Existing Category sc_title: My Awesome Title sc_short_description: sc_description: This guide covers ... After reading this guide, you will be able to: sc_list: - Make a list of the things you will cover. - This should be a relatively high level list. - It should cover what the reader will know how to do once done. --- ### Making Topics Each topic should begin with ### which represents an <h3> tag. #### Making Sub-topics Subtopics begin with #### which represents an <h4> tag. ##### Making Sub-sub-topics Yes, you can even have sub-sub-topics with ##### which represents an <h5> The topics above will have heading numbers automatically added to them and are also used to automatically build the table of contents that you see on the right.

5.2 - Modify an Existing Guide

To make changes to an existing guide, simply modify the corresponding Markdown document. To determine which is the proper Markdown document, simply take the filename from the URL of the guide and replace the html file extension with .html.md.sd.

For example, http://guides.sproutcore.com/core_concepts_sc_object.html is the URL for the Classes and SC.Object guide, so the Markdown document that corresponds to this guide would be core_concepts_sc_object.html.md.sd.

5.3 - Preview Your Changes

DocPad, that we installed above, comes with a built in webserver so we can see what the guides on our local machine will look like when they're published to guides.sproutcore.com. To start this webserver, we run docpad run from the guides directory:

$ docpad run info: Welcome to DocPad v6.47.0 info: Contribute: http://docpad.org/docs/contribute info: Plugins: eco, highlightjs, marked, sproutdown info: Environment: development info: DocPad listening to http://localhost:9778/ on directory /Users/topher/Documents/Development/sproutcore/newguides/out info: Generating... info: Generated 92/92 files in 3.714 seconds info: Watching setup starting... info: Watching setup info: The action completed successfully

You may see some additional output about the avatar cache or a notice about upgrading DocPad. Those can safely be ignored.

Now we can see our changes by going to localhost:9778/<your_guide_name>.html in our browser. This preview will keep itself updated as we make changes to the guides; all we have to do is refresh our browser window to see the latest changes.

If you do not see the changes you made, check the terminal window where you ran the docpad run command for error messages.

By default, preview will show guides that are still under construction, even though under construction guides are not displayed on guides.sproutcore.com. If you would like to see only guides that will be deployed, use the --env flag:

$ docpad run --env production

6 - Submitting Your Changes

Now that we are done making our changes, we need to commit those changes to our local repository, push the changes up to GitHub, and finally submit a pull request to the main SproutCore Guides repository.

6.1 - Commit Your Changes Locally

So far we've made some changes to the guides, possibly added a new guide, and these changes have been saved to disk on our local machine. Now we need to commit these changes to our repository. We do this with the git add and git commit commands:

$ git add . $ git commit

6.2 - Push Your Changes to GitHub

Now that we've committed our changes to our local repository, we need to push these changes to the remote repository hosted on GitHub. We do this with the git push command:

$ git push origin <branch_name>

branch_name above is the name you used in the [create a topic branch](#-Create-a-Topic-Branch-) step. If you can't remember the name use 'git branch -a' to list the branches.

6.3 - Submit a Pull Request

Now that our changes have been pushed to GitHub, we need to submit a pull request to get these changes into the main SproutCore Guides repository. A pull request is essentially a mechanism by which you say, "I think you should take this set of changes from my repository and pull them into your repository".

To create a pull request, start by visiting the GitHub page for your fork of the SproutCore Guides, which will be at https://github.com//guides. Next, click on the Pull Request button in the top right.

If you get stuck, GitHub has an excellent [guide to using Pull Requests](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests).

7 - What to Contribute?

We need authors, editors, proofreaders, and translators.

Improving an existing guide is the easiest way to get started.

  • Add a paragraph of high quality content
  • Improve the structure to make it more coherent.
  • Add missing information.
  • Correct factual errors.
  • Fix typos or improve style.
  • Bring it up to date with the latest release of SproutCore.

We're also open to suggestions for entire new guides! Contact the documentation team to get your idea approved. See the Contact section below.

8 - Contacting the SproutCore team

Documentation requests and questions can be posted on the SproutCore Google Group. If you're not sure whether a guide is actively being worked on, stop by IRC and ask.

9 - License

Guides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

10 - Changelog

  • August 7, 2013: converted to Markdown format for DocPad guides by Topher Fangio